Ues Vps To Download Torrent

It sort of does defeat the purpose of torrenting to use a VPN “service”. When you pay for a VPN service you are joining *their* network. The final link to your download follows a route that carries all traffic. BitTorrent is a load balancing scheme.

I am running Ubuntu 13.04 and using OpenVPN and vpnbook. When I am using a VPN I am unable to download torrents. I have tried it on 3 different torrent clients (qBittorrent, Deluge, and Transmission). Deluge just says 'Checking' and never begins downloading. qBittorrent says 'stalled' next to the torrent and Transmission does not say anything and just doesn't download. Is there some network setting I am missing or some OpenVPN config I need to do?

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2 Answers

Install openvpn:

Ues Vps To Download Torrent

sudo apt-get install openvpn

Download the config files from www.vpnbook.com

In the terminal type :

openvpn --config vpnbook-euro1-udp25000.ovpn

Then set the port in the connection dialog in qbittorrent to 25000.

That's it! It should be downloading fine through VPN.

Check your IP via www.whatismyip.com and verify.

Luís de Sousa
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Ues Vps To Download Torrent Free

You have to use the port 25000, it's noted in the vpnbook page : this for pptp and openvpn

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