Origin White Screen When Trying To Download Game

The game is installed, but Origin is only giving me the option to download and install it again. (I have the DVD version of the game if that's relevant) Help will be greatly appreciated. I saw that we were able to download the game on PC even if i bought it on PS4. I want to know how? Please:)., 08:36 AM. Go to your account at the top right of this screen by clicking your name then accounts. There is an option for connected accounts.Link your PC account then open the Epic launcher and it should be there I think.

I recently downloaded and started playing again my big fish games. I have 6 games total. 5 of the games work perfectly fine however the game called Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove will not start up properly. At first when I double clicked the icon it would show in the taskbar that it was running but nothing would pop up on the screen at all. I've uninstalled and reinstalled a couple times but couldn't get it to work. I right clicked the icon on the desktop and went to properties but there was nothing there to change compatibility or run as an administrator. While the game was so-called 'running' as the icon was on the taskbar but no popping up on the screen I thought I would right click the icon in the taskbar and try to troubleshoot the compatibility there. I can't remember what settings I used but it ended up not working but now the game is even worse (if you could even believe that) Now when I double click the icon on the desktop the game won't start at all. It doesn't pop in the taskbar at all or on the screen. The mouse icon spins like it's going to start but then nothing happens. I never even got to play the game and now it seems I never will. Truly upset wondering if there is anyway I can fix this game. I contacted big fish games and their response is have a free game coupon and basically forget the other game. Probably easier for them to give a game then troubleshoot a game.
I have Windows 10 update originally it was Windows 8.1 when purchased. Is there anyway to reset the compatibility on a game, or at least undo whatever changes I made? Sad thing is the changes I made to a running application even though it wasn't on the screen it was running in the taskbar. I've noticed because of the way these games are installed threw the game manager they are difficult to troubleshoot.

Origin White Screen When Trying To Download Games

One of the best features of Steam is the ability to install a game on one computer and stream it to another. It comes in handy if you want to play a game that uses many resources from a less powerful computer such as a laptop.


Not only can you use the Steam streaming feature for games purchased from the Steam store, but you can also stream non-Steam games from Origin such as Sims 4 and SimCity. Just follow these steps.

  1. Download and install Steam on both the client and host computers.
  2. Open Steam on the host computer.
  3. Select the “Games” menu, then choose “Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library…“.
  4. Choose the Origin game from the list, then select “Add Selected Programs“.
  5. From the computer where the Origin game is installed, open Origin.
  6. Go to the “Origin” menu, and select “Application Settings“.
  7. Select “Origin In Game” in the left pane.
  8. Uncheck the “Enable Origin in Game” check box.
  9. Select “Advanced” in the left pane.
  10. Check the “Automatically exit Origin after closing a game” option, then close Origin.
  11. From the client computer, launch Steam.
  12. Select your game, then choose the “Stream” button.

Origin White Screen When Trying To Download Game On Laptop

The game should now launch and stream from your computer over the network.