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THE gentleman on the end of the phone is paying £2-a-minute to listen to a leather-clad sex goddess crack her whip.

But just what would he think if he realised that on the other end of the line was 63-year-old Jenny, who is really hitting a cushion with a wooden spoon to make spanking sounds?

While sex phone lines might seem quaint in a world where porn is available for free on every smartphone, business is booming.

And Jenny Ainslie-Turner is one of thousands of chat line operators in the UK reaping the benefits - up to £2,000 a month, to be precise.

And all without leaving her two-bed farmhouse - or taking off her pink fluffy slippers.

The retired waitress admits she does the housework and watches TV whilst talking dirty.

'I am normally in my pinny and marigolds when I answer the phone,' she tells Sun Online. 'It doesn't matter to them what I look like - it's all their fantasy. They don't want the truth.'

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— Jenny (@Thephonesexpert) February 21, 2019

Having started her unorthodox career 20 years ago, Jenny can now earn up to £500 a week - approximately £24,000 a year- squeezing in up to 70 calls a day.

Sun Online visited her at her two-bed country farmhouse in Haltwhistle to see what a day in the life of a sex call worker is really like.

'I ping my marigolds to make it sound like I'm in suspenders'

When we arrive, Jenny has her slippers on, and invites us in for a cuppa.

Bizarrely, it seems that making a brew can be a handy sound effect during her calls.

“While making a cup of tea I'll say ‘it’s getting so hot and steamy in here isn’t it?’ Jenny, who has been married three times but single since 2010, says.

“Some like to know I’m wearing leather, so when I’m cleaning I’ll snap my yellow rubber marigold gloves to make a noise like I'm pinging my suspenders.

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“You have to listen to what the man is responding well to - if it’s big breasts, stockings, big bum - you play on it.

Before becoming a sex chat worker in 2000 aged 43, Jenny was a waitress in the armed forces for 18 years.

While some might look down on her alternative career, Jenny started out in it for a heartbreaking reason.

“I had to give up work to care for my mum who was ill. To increase my income as a carer I decided to start phone sex after seeing a documentary about it.

“I found an advert in an adult magazine and gave one of the numbers a ring and left a message.

“My friends and family thought it was a perfect job for me. I’m quite broad-minded anyway, and I liked you could do the hours you wanted, and were your own boss - I could do the housework while making money.”

A few days later, Jenny took her first call.

She says: “It was with a man called Gary really late one night.

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“I was so nervous so I had a bottle of wine, and I wanted to feel sexy so I wore lacy underwear, a low cut top and stockings and suspenders.

'I’d never talked dirty in my entire life before so I didn't really know what I was doing - but it came quite naturally.

“He just wanted straightforward phone sex - where I talked through what I wanted to do to him - and it lasted ten minutes.”

'I use a wooden spoon to make sexy sounds'

Despite her nerves during the first call, Jenny soon discovered she had a real knack for phone sex - and soon learned the tricks of the trade.

She also realised that she could kill two birds with one stone and get all her housework done while she worked.

“While dusting I’ll say ‘I’m going to rub it really hard for you’ while I’m rubbing the polish into the dining room table,' she says.

“If it’s a straightforward sex call I can easily send a text to a friend at the same time, or check my emails or have a look and see what’s on the TV later to record.

She says: “One time I found myself slapping myself for half an hour to create the right sound effect and I felt sore, before soon realising I could just pretend.

“I learned after that I can whip a cushion with a wooden spoon and it sounds realistic.

“While I’m acting this out I’ll have the TV on, just muted, so I can keep track of what’s on. One time I forgot to switch the sound off, but thankfully he didn’t hear it.”

'I met millionaire lover on a call'

Whilst there obviously is a sexual element to her work, Jenny finds most of her clients crave human interaction, and just want to hear the sound of a woman’s voice.

Nor is she immune to the sound of a man's voice. She admits sometimes fantasy spills over into reality.

'With my regulars, I must confess, it isn’t always fake. One time I orgasmed five times in one call,' she says.

She became even got so attached to one client that she ended up having an eight-year relationship with him.

“He was a millionaire, and we just clicked. We met two weeks later and were inseparable for eight years before splitting,' she says.

'During that time I still worked the phones - he found it funny.'

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Jenny has built up a strong and varied client base over the years, who happily pay £2 a minute for her services, approximately £1.10 of which Jenny keeps.

Jenny says: “Callers can be anywhere from 18 to 80. I get a lot of young guys because I’m older.

“They say they want to get a bit of experience from older ladies before going out and having sex for real.

“I get older guys too. Some come to me for advice, if they want to improve their sex lives at home.

“You usually find the men who are powerful at work are the ones who love to be told what to do. I have one client in his sixties who is an accountant who calls me and I tell him what to do and order him about and punish him and he likes it.”

And it’s not just men who call Jenny.

She adds: “I had one married 26-year-old lady ring up who wasn’t sure if she was gay.

'We spent half an hour on the phone together. Let's just say she had a very good time. And by the time she hung up she knew which side she batted for.'

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‘I’ll act out their fantasies then have a cuppa’

Whatever the client wants, Jenny is usually only too happy to act out, and there’s very little she hasn’t heard over the years.

“I have one caller who has a foot fetish, who loves painted toenails and black stockings. He just wanted to talk about kissing my feet and sucking my toes, and give me a massage,' she says.

“One man wanted to hear about how slim I was, shaved everywhere, wearing stockings, heels, suspenders - everything.

'In reality I was just wearing a nightie with a cup of tea.

“Another client wanted to be stomped on in heels. I’d describe in graphic detail the weight of it, where I was going to stomp on him. I’d say I was wearing heels, or boots, but I’d just be wearing slippers.'

'What I look like doesn't matter'

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Now, Jenny’s business has gone from strength to strength. She has her own website and gets calls from men all over the world.

She says: “At the end of the day, you’re being who they want you to be. You’re their fantasy woman. It’s not what you really look like that matters, but what he wants to have in his mind about the girl he’s talking to.

“I usually tell them I’m a big girl, and they love it - men love to know how big my bum is.”


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And after 19 years working in the industry, for Jenny, it’s more than a job. She says: “I enjoy phone sex - you could say I’m addicted to it.

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“I like to know I’ve given a guy a good time and have no plans to stop - while my voice sounds so good and naughty and sexy on the phone, why should I?”

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Jenny’s book A Darker Shade of Rose, is out now.